Studio shot of young beautiful woman. Professional make-up and hairstyle.

Laser Hair Removal

The goal of Laser technology is for the laser light to penetrate the depth of the hair follicle during the anlagen phase (active growth stage when hair reacts to laser light) to achieve ablation. The light energy is absorbed by the pigment melanin in the hair and transformed into heat energy disabling the hair follicles. 


Hair has three phases of growth:

1) anagen (active growth phase)

2) catagen (transitional phase)

3) telogen (resting or shedding)


Not all hair grows simultaneously; a part of it is always in the active growth stage (anagen phase). The remaining hair remains dormant (telogen phase), anywhere from 3-8 weeks. The telegenic phase is followed by the growth phase (anagen), when the hair may be again actively ablated with laser.  Therefore, the sessions of laser hair removal need to be repeated (about 4-8 times) in order to eliminate nearly all hair.   This is the reason why, depending on the area, you will need to be treated multiple times at 4 to 6 week intervals phase)

SPLENDOR X (Italian Laser from Lumenis) is the latest technology in laser hair removal that uses two laser wavelengths into a single platform.  The blending of laser wavelengths alexandrite/NdYAG technology enables us to adjust the treatments according to the patients skin type, hair color, and hair thickness.  Splendor X features a dual cooling system designed to deliver contact cooling and cold air exactly over the treated area to maintain patient comfort during treatment.  Splendor X allows treatment of darker skin tones due to the lasers versatility.


During the first laser treatment  about 20-30% of hair is removed, while after a series of sessions up to 90% is ablated.  The remaining hair is distinctly lighter, and softer. and almost invisible.  In the cases of excessive hair caused by hormonal disorders it may be necessary to undergo more treatment sessions of laser hair removal in order to obtain better results and then maintaining sessions, e.g. once or twice a year.


LightSheer Diode Laser is the also state of the art technology for laser hair removal in the world, and consequently also offering the best results of epilation, yet not best for darker skin tones. The method of laser hair removal is long term, permanent, safe and practically with minor discomfort.  It is a non-invasive technique, which does not damage the skin.


Mechanism of action of the laser light on the hair follicle and hair

Diode, NdYAG, Alexandrite laser beams directed to the skin penetrate into the skin superficially which damage the hair follicle and causes its gradual disappearance, which in turn leads to hair loss.  The laser-emitted radiation is absorbed by the melanin of the hair follicle and skin.  Appropriate pulse length destroys the targeted melanin, thereby  resulting in loss of stem cells of the hair follicles and the hair loss. 

Why get laser hair removal?

cosmetic purposes
– eliminate unwanted hair resulting from endocrine disorders, such as hirsutism, hypertrichosis, polycystic ovarian disease
– patients with ingrown hair
– patients with sensitive skin, who experience skin inflammation, redness, acne after waxing, shaving or chemical epilation

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Laser Hair Removal work?

The laser light is calibrated to target the dark pigment of the hair follicle (melanin).  It heats the hair structure and the heat energy ablates the hair follicle.


What hair type can be treated?

The hair with high amounts of melanin (black & brown).  Since the laser light targets the darkest areas, the tone of the skin is also significant.  The lighter skin and the darker hair respond the fastest.  With Splendor X, the latest laser technology dark skin tones and lighter hair can be treated.


Why do the treatments have to be repeated?

Since not all hair are in the same phase of hair growth cycle at any given time.  Each stand of hair on the human body is at its own stage of development.  A single hair undergoes a growth phase, transitional phase and a resting phase.  Laser light may only work against hair being in the growth phase (the ones that we see on the skin surface).  The transition of hair from one phase to another is not concurrent, therefore a series of sessions are recommended.


How many treatments will be necessary to get rid of unwanted hair?

On average 6-8 sessions are needed.  Individual response varies depending on hair color, hair thickness and skin color.


Will the hair be eliminated permanently?

Laser hair removal is approved for permanent, longterm hair reduction.  permanent hair reduction involves up to 80-90% of hair.  The remaining hair may grown back during lifetime, however, it will be thinner, softer and lighter.


What if after a series of treatment the hair is not reduced?

This might results from the presence of  factors stimulating the growth of new hair follicles.  In most cases, it is due to the presence of hormonal disorders.  In these cases, when the hormonal imbalance is corrected under the care of an endocrinologist with simultaneous laser treatments the desired aesthetic results will be obtained.


Should patients with hirsutism or hormonal disorders avoid laser hair removal treatment?

Laser hair removal is preferred treatment for this type of hirsutism, they should simultaneously follow the treatment instructions from their endocrinologist or gynecologists.  Patients will need to accept potential necessity of performing more laser sessions than in a usual course of treatment as well as eventual repetition maintenance of treatment in the future.  The aesthetic results are life changing in these patients.


What should I do to prepare my skin before my treatment?

The most important recommendations are:

Not to tan and to stay out of the sun for 2 to 4 weeks, prior to your treatment

No skin bronzers.

Do not remove you hair mechanically from the root (ie, waxing, tweezing, …) for at least a month before the planned treatment.  

Shaving is fine. 

The day before treatment you should shave the area to be lasered

No makeup, creams, lotions, deodorants on the area to be treated


Why should the skin not be tanned?

Sun tanning stimulates the melanin production in the epidermis.  Laser light is absorbed by melanin, however, it does not differentiate from melanin in the hair or skin.  If the laser light comes across melanin in the epidermis before reaching the hair melanin a significant part will be absorbed by the epidermis melanin and not by the hair melanin.  As a result, the treatment will not bring the expected effects, and additionally will cause epidermis burns.  It is strongly advised to wait for about two to four weeks from the last UV exposure, prior undergoing the laser treatments secondary to the risk of skin hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation post treatment.


Why the hair should not be mechanically removed before laser hair removal?

With tweezing,  waxing or epilating skin with a mechanical device, the hair follicle root is removed, which contains the melanin.  Without hair melanin the laser has no target to treat.  It is recommended to stop mechanical hair removal for 4 weeks prior to the  laser hair removal treatment.  The area can be shaved as often as needed during this 4 week interval before treatment.


Why should the hair in the target are be shaved a day before or immediately before the treatment?

During the procedure, if the external hair shaft is present, the laser will burn it, which in turn may lead to burning the skin.  Additionally, such treatment will be less effective, because a part of the energy emitted by the laser will be absorbed by the hair shaft and not the hair follicle which is deeper in the skin (where the cells responsible for the hair regrowth are located).  Also it increases the risk of epidermal burns.


Is laser hair removal procedure painful?

When the pulse of laser light is delivered,  patients experience a mild pinching or stinging sensation.  Since not all individuals have the same pain threshold, it depends on the skin sensitivity, target treatment area, color and thickness of the hair.  Splendor X has a dual cooling system which makes the treatments comfortable, and the tip of LightSheer is equipped with a sapphire touch cooling system which cools the skin acting like a cooling anesthetic.  


What does the skin look like after treatment?

Immediately after the procedure, it is common for the treated area to have some redness, and swelling of the hair follicle which usually disappear over the 2-3 hours. This is a desired clinical endpoint.  Following the treatment, the patients can return to their normal actives right away, work, school, etc.


What are the recommendations after treatment?

The most important recommendations are not to tan your skin at least 4 weeks after the treatment as there is a risk of skin discoloration.  Wear a daily sunscreen SPF 30-50 on lasered areas exposed to sun. Avoid alcohol based skin care products, self tanning lotions, lotions with fragrances or perfumes, body scrubs, glycolic acid, retin A for at least 7 days post treatment.  Also chlorinated water in the swimming pools can cause possible skin irritation, infection post laser treatment, best to avoid for a few days after treatment.


Can I wear make-up after laser hair treatment?

It is best recommended to avoid make-up, so as not to irritate the epidermis.   However, Make-up can be applied the following day, as long as there is no redness or irritation on the skin.


What complications are possible after the treatment?

The complications after the laser treatments are Extremely Rare.  Most often it includes scabs, occasional blister, transient pigmentation changes (hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation), viral/bacterial infection. Almost all complications are curable and leave the skin clear without scaring.  It is very important that the laser treatments that are medical procedures to be performed by physicians who have medical & laser physics knowledge, and experience to perform the treatments. There are medical and pharmaceutical contraindications to laser treatments, so please be very transparent in giving your medical history, surgical/cosmetic history, prescription and over the counter drug history to us.